Promises of God convey comfort, carry hope, and affirm love. Thinking upon the Lord’s promises fuels our worship, strengthens our faith, and stores up spiritual resources ready for times of difficulty. They’re a rich source of spiritual nutrition spread across God’s Word. Divine promises help to keep our eyes on the Lord, and they help prevent us becoming ensnared by worldly distractions.
From the covenant promises to redemption in Jesus Christ, then looking forward to Christ’s return and eternity, Yahweh fulfils every promise appropriate to us. Even if we are confused about what promises to apply to who, God knows, and God will action their fulfilment perfectly and appropriately. The Almighty never suffers promise crossfire, where He assigns a promise to the wrong person or nation. His promises are never made flippantly in the spur of the moment. Likewise, heavenly promises are never a knee-jerk reaction by God to appease someone’s dissatisfaction. No, the LORD’S promises are purposeful, reasoned in accordance with His will from eternity past. Love, righteous justice, and gracious faithfulness are always central, and always for His glory and the believer’s eternal blessing.
For us, we have the assurance that in him (Christ) you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory (Ephesians 1:13-14). From the moment we believed in Jesus’ substitutional death for our sin, the Holy Spirit entered. He guarantees eternal life and our inheritance as Christians while we wait for either Christ to catch up the church, or to take us to heaven through death. As promised, the Holy Spirit ministers on our behalf, achieving what we are not able to, both here and in the heavenlies. Regardless of whether we live through times of difficulty, comfort, or confusion, the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God (Romans 8:27). Despite our frequent insensitivity to God’s will, we are assured of the Holy Spirit’s perfect alignment of His intercession and God’s will for our lives. Nothing is ever left to chance or guess work. There’s no luck here. In Christ, believers are secure within the realities of divine promises personalised by God the Holy Spirit. His relentless omnipresent ministry is one of omnipotent promise, incapable of failure or being forgotten.
Considering these certainties, the apostle Paul was sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6). There is no escaping our Saviour’s sufficiency to carry every believer through this life, then to deliver us to our heavenly home. On the day of Jesus Christ not one saint will be missing, there shall be no casualties, not one will be overlooked. Upon arrival in perfection, worship will be the believers only desire. Promise will have reached its ultimate destination in absolute satisfaction of every detail ever promised. Almost unimaginable satisfaction is guaranteed, and all at the expense of Christ, purchased at the Cross of Calvary and interceded for in the throne room of Yahweh. Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? (Romans 8:34). No-one! These unparalleled promises are only found in Christ. May we worship HIM today in response to His promises and share Christ with someone who needs reminding of God’s promises.
To be continued…