What we teach

We teach that God is the one supreme creator over all that exists. He is Spirit, infinite, eternal, and holy in all He thinks and does. While being one God, He eternally exists in the godhead of three persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit.

We teach that the Bible is God’s only written message to humanity, often referred to as the Scriptures. Both the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God and inerrant in their original writing. They are the supreme and final authority, sufficient for faith and life.

We teach that mankind was created sinless and in the image of God. Humanity chose disobedience to God, bringing sin with spiritual and physical death into the world. Consequently, through all generations, all people are born sinners, separated from God, and answerable to God for their sin.

We teach that Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary, being true God and true man. The Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross as humanity’s substitutional sacrifice for sin. Therefore, all who believe in Jesus’ death in their place, are justified (declared innocent), and gifted with Jesus’ righteousness. The justified sinner is eternally secure in Christ, resting under the “no condemnation” status.

We teach that the crucified body of Jesus resurrected on the third day, that He ascended into heaven, and is presently seated at the right hand of God. There, He presently functions as High Priest, intercedes for His people, and is preparing an eternal home for all who will believe in Him.

We teach that all who believe in and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour, are born again of the Holy Spirit, becoming children of God and members of the universal church. At that moment, God the Holy Spirit makes them a new spiritual creation, indwells them, and grants them spiritual giftedness to worship and serve God.

We teach the imminent return of Jesus Christ to catch up His church before the coming tribulation judgments, concluding with the Day of the Lord. All living Israel shall be restored to God under King Jesus, who shall establish His earthly kingdom with righteousness and justice. All humanity shall be resurrected, some to eternal life, and some to eternal condemnation. The Lord Jesus Christ will then deliver the kingdom to God the Father who shall create new heavens and a new earth, where God will reign forever with all glory being directed to Him.

For a fuller explanation, please view our PDF Statement of Faith – “What we teach – expanded” (Click here)

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