Mission Partners

Eliki and Lata Lalauvaki
Narere Community Church - Nassori - Suva - Fiji. Together Eliki and Lata began the church in the early 2000's in their home. They reach out to the community through childrens ministries, school ministries, prison ministries, prayer meetings, and worship services where the Word of God is taught and the gospel of Jesus Christ is explained.

The Lydia Vocational Training Centre
Based in Kathmandu Nepal, young women are trained and equipped in a number of ways which empower them to return to their homes and villages with new skills to establish their own business, to read and write, and most importantly, to support themselves and others by sharing the skills and knowledge that they have learned with their community.

Cephas and Prudence Mwewa (Karis)
Calvary Christian Brethren Church - Samfya - Zambia. Cephas began visiting homes in the rural area just outside of Samfya township, introducing people to Jesus Christ in late 2020. Within a short time a few dozen people had put faith in Christ, and so began a new church. Cephas pastors as well as teaching at Samfya Bible School. Prudence works in the Samfya Bible School Book Shop.