Believers in Jesus Christ's GOODNESS

A Little About Ourselves

Focus Bible Church (FBC) launched on June 28th 2009 in the Welcome Bay School Hall, Tauranga, New Zealand. We are a multi-cultural gathering of believers in Jesus Christ as a non-denominational local church which enjoys life in Christ within the boundaries of God’s Word. Believers weekly participate in God-centered worship and expressions of faith with consecutive expository Bible teaching being the normal preaching format. 

We enjoy our Christian heritage and the foundation on which we stand (Mat 16:181Co 3:11Eph 2:20). The core values of this ministry continue as people who do not identify merely as churched people, church attenders, or social Christians. We are not trying to influence society by getting unchurched people into church attendance. No, we want to be people who actually grow to know God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and obedience to His Word (Mat 28:19-20; Heb 1:2-31Pe 2:22Pe 3:18).

FBC holds to the 5 sola distinctives which were popularized during the Protestant Reformation. Sola scriptura: Scripture alone – Sola fide: faith alone – Sola gratia: grace alone – Solo Christo: Christ alone – Soli Deo gloria: to the glory of God alone. Click here to read a fuller explanation by Gregg Strawbridge.

By God’s grace:
We exist to express the praise of God’s glory and for His pleasure (Eph 1:3-14).
We strive to be a church family where time and space to heal from the pains of life is provided.

We strive to be a church home where relationships are grown without demands to conform to any particular religious, organisational, or personal expectations. 
We desire for selfless love to enhance unity and loyalty by applying biblical truths.
Questions are welcome and answers are provided.
FBC grows to be a body of diverse Christians, content to be who God has made us in Christ.
FBC is a community of gospel focused people who intentionally share Jesus Christ with others (Rom 10:13-15).
We understand that this takes time, selfless love, and patience under the influence of God’s Word and His Spirit (2Co 3:17-18).

If you live in the Tauranga area, you are welcome to visit us at Welcome Bay School Hall, 309 Welcome Bay Road, or check us out on our YouTube channel,

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