Focus Bible Church Tauranga

Discover Focus Bible Church Tauranga: we are a family of believers in the goodness of Jesus Christ. A spiritual home where God’s Word is taught and Christians live in support of one another. Focus Bible Church enjoys being a multicultural gathering of Christians from the broader Tauranga area.

Proclaiming the GOODNESS of Jesus Christ

Sunday 20th  October 2024
Acts 11:1-30 “Called Christian First in Antioch
(Lincoln Forlong)

What does it mean to be “born again?”
Being “born again” speaks of an invisible spiritual new birth, it’s a spiritual renewal or regeneration.
(Click here to read more)

Grieve as you Go

Steps on the journey of living well with terminal illness – an Insider’s Perspective by Rosemaree Redshaw (June 2024).
(Click here to read more)

All Welcome
Please direct all enquires through the Contact Page.

Sola scriptura: Scripture alone – Sola fide: faith alone – Sola gratia: grace alone – Solo Christo: Christ alone – Soli Deo gloria: to the glory of God alone. Five Solas to read a fuller explanation.

Subscribe to “The Pastor’s Pen” below – Lincoln writes a weekly, 600 word blog of biblical encouragement for believers in Jesus Christ. Submit your details in the form provided to be added to the mailing list. Click here to view and read  The Pastor’s Pen Story and submit a Subscription Form.

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